



Sterilization processes for medical instruments may be something patients take for granted, but that doesn’t reduce the importance of following proper techniques to decontaminate and sanitize medical instruments. 根据美国.S. 美国疾病控制与预防中心, 每天,每31名住院患者中就有1人感染卫生保健相关感染. 这些感染可能很严重,甚至会导致死亡.  

虽然有一些事情会导致医疗相关的感染, 一个风险因素是不遵守医疗器械消毒的最佳做法. 幸运的是, relying on 无菌处理技术员 skills can help healthcare organizations minimize infection and maintain safe environments for their patients.

个人谁正在考虑报名参加一个 无菌处理技术员计划 can benefit from learning the skills that enable sterile processing techs to make valuable contributions to healthcare.


A 无菌处理技术员 确保医疗机构员工使用的器械是无菌的. 要做到这一点, 无菌处理技术员s perform both manual cleaning and sterilization using specialized equipment such as an autoclave, 这也被称为蒸汽灭菌器. 高压灭菌器在压力下使用蒸汽来杀死有害细菌, 病毒, 医疗设备上的真菌和孢子.  


在接受培训后获得适当的技能, 无菌处理技术员s have the opportunity to play a vital role in healthcare. 

The expertise of 无菌处理技术员s makes them essential in nearly any category of care. Because of that, 无菌处理技术员s can work at a broad range of employers, including:

  • 普通医院和外科医院
  • 牙科办公室
  • 门诊中心
  • 医生的办公室
  • 专业的医院
  • 医学实验室
  • 制药公司

无菌处理技术员 Responsibilities

While sterilizing instruments is the primary responsibility of 无菌处理技术员s, 该角色中的个人还执行其他一些职责. 例子包括:

  • 检查灭菌设备的缺陷
  • 检测灭菌设备并记录检测结果
  • 订购消毒用品
  • 用消毒过的仪器装配托盘
  • Distributing sterilization supplies and ensuring those supplies have not exceeded expiration dates



  • 获得高中文凭或同等学历.
  • 完成无菌处理技术人员教育计划.
  • 获得无菌处理部门的工作经验并获得认证. (例如, 取得认证注册中央维修技术员的证书, 或CRCST, an individual needs to work at least 400 hours in a sterile processing department and pass a certification exam.)


Reviewing essential 无菌处理技术员 skills is a good way to become acquainted with the profession and understand what working in the role entails. The seven skills outlined below parallel the categories of skills individuals must possess to become a CRCST.

1. 清洁、去污和消毒

清洁技能和专业知识, 去污, 消毒是成功发挥细菌作用的核心消毒技术员. This starts with expertise in areas such as safety standards and climate of the work environment, 它延伸到以下领域的技能:

  • 准备去污的仪器和设备
  • 选择合适的消毒剂
  • Performing specific disinfecting processes (which requires skills in areas such as dilution, 冲洗, 存储, 和记录)

2. 准备和包装

灭菌工作可能因制备和包装不当而失效. 因此,年代纺织品加工技术人员需要具备以下方面的技能:

  • 组装包装物品
  • 使用托盘衬垫和小费保护器来保证物品的安全
  • 测试功能项
  • 正确识别物品
  • 使用计数表来记录物品及其数量

3. 灭菌过程

Knowing how to perform specific sterilization processes is one of the most critical skills of a sterilization processing technician. 执行这些过程需要以下方面的技能:

  • 使用蒸汽或干热进行高温灭菌
  • Low temperature sterilization using gas plasma, vaporization, ethylene oxide, or liquid chemicals

Skills in sterilization processes also encompass skills in biological testing and interpreting test results, as well as the use of sterilization equipment and sterilization verification processes.

4. 病人护理设备


  • 正确使用个人防护装备(PPE)
  • 手卫生
  • 维护电气安全
  • 正确接收灭菌物品

5. 无菌储存和库存管理

Ensuring proper 存储 and inventory of sterile items requires skills in a number of areas such as:

  • 采购和补充无菌物品
  • 储存和分发无菌物品
  • 追踪高价物品,比如急救车
  • 检查进入库存的新无菌物品

6. 文件和记录的维护

无菌处理技术人员需要很强的文件和记录保存技能. 例如,他们需要能够:

  • 对灭菌设备进行跟踪维护
  • 记录与灭菌和设备有关的事故和事件的细节
  • Document the education and training that staff members receive related to sterilization

7. 客户关系

Serving in a support role requires 无菌处理技术员s to refine their customer relations skills, 包括以下领域的技能:

  • 沟通
  • 团队合作
  • 决策
  • 批判性思维
  • 优先级

S消毒技术员s also benefit from anticipating the needs of their customers and developing the ability to communicate through commonly used medical terminology.


Completing a 无菌处理技术员 training program prepares an individual for a rewarding career. 但是掌握无菌加工的技能也有其他好处. For example, completing a  training program in sterile processing enables individuals to:

  • 从事医疗保健事业. Becoming a 无菌处理技术员 is a great way to enter the field of healthcare and have the opportunity to work in a variety of healthcare settings.
  • 改变病人的生活. The work that 无菌处理技术员s conduct is critical to achieving positive health outcomes. 医生, 护士, and surgeons depend on 无菌处理技术员s to provide them with sterile instruments that will enable them to improve their patients’ health.
  • 在有良好就业前景的领域工作. 美国.S. 劳工统计局 (BLS) projects 5% job growth for medical equipment preparers between 2022 and 2032 That growth exceeds the 3% rate projected by the BLS for the U.S. 整个就业市场.
  • 追求进步和专业化. CRCST认证只是一种可以追求的认证. 例如,一个人可以通过培训成为一名:
    • 认证仪器专家(CIS), which is a certification that indicates an individual has the expertise and skills to perform advanced work in sterile processing
    • 认证内窥镜再处理器(CER), which is a certification that indicates an individual has specific expertise and skills related to the sterilization of endoscopes


The broad reach and critical nature of sterile processing makes it an important component of healthcare. 影响着每一个病人的生命, the skills of 无菌处理技术员s are crucial to supporting providers’ ability to offer quality healthcare. 有兴趣从事医疗保健工作的个人可以探索富通 无菌处理技术员课程 学习如何帮助自己实现职业抱负. 

With curricula combining classroom instruction with the development of skills through real-world experience, 这些课程可以为个人的职业生涯做好准备. 



卫生保健无菌处理协会, 注册中央维修技术员(CRCST)考试内容大纲
今日感染控制, “无菌处理技术永远不能‘拨号’,因为生命危在旦夕”
U.S. 劳工统计局, 职业就业及工资统计, 31-9093医疗设备准备人员
U.S. 劳工统计局, 职业就业及工资统计, 未详细涵盖的职业数据, 医疗设备准备人员
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health Topics – 医疗保健-Associated Infections (HAI)